Latest Episodes

The Level Set Crew: Politcal Columnist Mike Jones Interview
Rashaki Maskani interviews Mike Jones.

The History of Black Studies Department @Long Beach State 1969 -2004 Pt.7
Amen Rahh and Joe Hembrick continue discussing the history of the Blck Studies Dept at Long Beach State.

Attorney Larry Fields - "Employment Discrimination"
Rashaki Maskani interviews Attorney Larry Fields.

Conscious Corner - "The History of Black Studies Department @Long Beach State 1969 -2004" pt. 6
Amen Rahh and Joe Hembrick continue discussing the history of the Black Studies Dept at Long Beach State.

Brother Kwabena "We Can't Take Another 25 Years of Mass Media Disrespect"
Rashaki Maskani interviews Brother Kwabena.

Conscious Corner - "The History of Black Studies Department @Long Beach State 1969 -2004" pt. 5
Amen Rahh and Joe Hembrick continue the discussion about the Black Studies Dept at Long Beach State.